It was not easy to get the Follow invitation code and set up my own information flow with the self-built RSSHUB. I am also a frequent user of RSS, but the only drawback is that most RSS readers have very low support for embedded videos, making them basically unusable.
In this regard, Follow does quite well, but when I subscribed to the 投稿 videos of the UP I follow through the RSSHUB self-built service, there was a bug where the embedded videos could not be played. However, if I directly subscribe to the UP's channel, the embedded videos play without any issues. Therefore, I wrote a Python script that, combined with the [Bilibili] Follow Manager Tampermonkey script, allows me to batch subscribe to my followed users.
- Use the [Bilibili] Follow Manager to export the UID of the UPs I follow and save it in TXT format.
- Use the script to generate an OPML format file.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def create_opml(input_file, output_file):
# Read the input file
with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
ids =',')
# Create OPML structure
opml = ET.Element('opml', version='1.0')
head = ET.SubElement(opml, 'head')
ET.SubElement(head, 'title').text = 'Bilibili User Video RSS Subscription'
body = ET.SubElement(opml, 'body')
# Create outline elements
for id in ids:
# Replace with your own server address
url = f'https://your.server.url/bilibili/user/video/{id.strip()}'
outline = ET.SubElement(body, 'outline',
text=f'Bilibili User {id}',
title=f'Bilibili User {id}',
# Generate XML tree
tree = ET.ElementTree(opml)
# Write to file
tree.write(output_file, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
# Use the function
create_opml('input.txt', 'output.opml')
- Import Follow
I can only say it's very nice, everyone come and use Follow! I hope a mobile version comes out soon!